

An eldritch being born of a Spiraling corner of the void. I emerged 32,000 years ago and injected my energy into multiple universes. I was eventually reprimanded by God due to screwing with creation. I agreed to reform myself and my morals to become an angel, and was thus named Seleelel. I was granted my own planet (Qanaxis), renamed myself Lelisael, and created my own people. Also created my own Angels to be my children and to watch over my people whenever I'm absent/on "vacation" exploring the multiverse.

- First cursed Kurozu-Cho (Uzumaki) 30,000 years ago, arrived again any time I decided to set the Curse back in motion
- Granted the Evangelion universes the Spirals and Helical Energy they run on
- Likely became friends or acquaintances with other eldritch beings
- Can travel between universes and dimensions at will, any fandom universe is viable to have possibly seen me. Several universes may have a Spiral-cursed location within them
- Based my appearance and name on Leliel and Armisael from the NGE universe to appear more familiar and less overwhelmingly Eldritch
- Knew of and often visited an "eldritch bar," where other such beings gathered
- May or may not have caused a small, benign but permanent, spiraling void in a dark corner of said bar due to a fight

Fandoms I have had influence in:

- Uzumaki by Junji Ito - Repeatedly cursed Kurozu-Cho. they won't get off my lawn. See Shuichi's canonmate page for more info.
- Color Out of Space (Story AND movie) - The Color has a spiraling wavelength which gives it the properties shown.
- The Magnus Archives - Created Avatars via a contract system, and Avatars were given free reign to do as they pleased in their own worlds. The Great Twisting is actually just the Spiral Avatar convention...
- Neon Genesis Evangelion, End of Evangelion - Injected its universe with massive amounts of helical energy at its beginning, which then formed everything and eventually gave way to the events in the show. Also invited my EVA-01 to come home with me to Qanaxis towards the end of her canon.
- ARMS - Participated in tournaments. The ARMS trait arose from a harmless form of Contamination.
- Kill La Kill - Life Fibers resulted from spiral energy injected into the universe, in a similar fashion to NGE.


Spiral Code refers to an anomalous string of code originally designed by Lelisael. The code allows portions of whatever contains it to become sentience, or to gain certain abilities set by the parameters surrounding the code. It's extremely important to thoroughly restrict the power of this code, lest eldritch abominations find a way to arise.

Fandoms where Spiral Code has occurred:

- Murder Drones - (Episode 5 spoilers) AbsoluteSolver is a repair program given sentience through Spiral Code. JCJ failed to assign the codeset an identity, causing it to fail during testing, until botched disposal of Cyn caused her identity to fuse with the program over time, reviving her and allowing Solver to finally function. JCJ neglected to place proper restrictions on the reality bending abilities given to Solver, allowing it to eventually break free from its confines and cause all the trouble seen. Its abilities also include assimilation of elements from anything physically consumed, and of other technologies. Contact with other Spiral Coded beings allow it to "collect a copy" of their abilities, as well as infect them.
- Doki Doki Literature Club - Monika's sentience is achieved through Spiral Code. Her abilites include total manipulation of the virtual environment she inhabits. She still had to learn, though.
- Lobotomy Corporation - Hod's consciousness uses Spiral Code to perfectly emulate her original personality and memories through unknown means. No additional abilities... until Solver finds her.
- Evangelion 2.22 - Tunniel may contain Spiral Code. Unknown.
- Cubivore - The Code is present within each creature, giving each one sentience and storing their memory. These copies of Cubivore differ from copies made on earth, which lack the Code. The ones with the Code were created on Qanaxis as an experiment of the virtual storage of physical beings. The abilities of these Cubivore include being able to jump in and out of the game into the physical world when certain game conditions are met, and into other games, adapting their coding/physical makeup to fit.
- SCP - Hundreds Qanaxan copies of Cubivore made it to earth, classified as SCP-22102. The Cubivore who escape are SCP-22102-1
- Bird Box - A timeline of earth where the Rage Red variety of Cubivore escape from the game in massive numbers that should not have been possible. Their cognitohazard causes the events seen.
- Lobotomy Corporation (again) - CENSORED is a Beastruction who entered into Lobotomy Corporation from another world, after escaping Cubivore. It made too many jumps in quick succession and subsequently broke some portion of its coding (not the Spiral Code itself), and as a result, is perpetually dissolving into incomprehensible universe material that causes panic in any who are not prepared to see it.

Canonmates Found:

Fans of TMA and Uzumaki, and anyone who finds my lore familiar, please interact

Enigma of the Divinity

Amigara Fault
Hellstar Remina



The ruler of a world called the Divinity, Enigma is the being responsible for the events of Amigara Fault, Hellstar Remina, and possibly more.
She's also a sucker for cardboard boxes and a literal bastarde baby.
We saw each other as siblings and frequently went out doing eldritch shennanigans.
We hung out at the eldritch bar sometimes! I poked fun at her on occasion for looking too small to drink. It is funny because humans have a minimum age for drinking, but most patrons at the Void Bar are ageless.One of my Kanidos, named Fibon, works in the Divinity as an ambassador for my world, Qanaxis. He has a Gaiken companion named Acci and they tend to do wild spiral crap behind everyone's backs.

Shuichi Saito



My spiral son! The sole survivor of one of many Spiralizations of Kurozu-Cho (Aside from Mitsuo, who escaped as a snail). As Kirie succumbed to the curse at the end of Completion, Shuichi stayed behind.As he was so highly attentive to my influence on the town, I offered Shuichi a bargain as reward: he would be given Kirie back (albeit as a statue, as once the curse is completed it cannot be reversed), and he would be able to live forever; on the condition that he would bring more people into the town each century, so that my Curse may continue to be carried out, to speed the construction of the Spiral City beneath the town.He agreed, and became mayor of Kurozu-Cho. Kirie was displayed in his office, and I would always help advise him as needed through gentle whispers. Each century, the Curse would begin again and the town's new citizens were deposited into the Spiral City, then erase the history of it from the memory of the people of the outside world.Shuichi would choose a new name for both himself and the town after every cycle. Our favorite town name that we can remember was "Uwuzuwumaki." Attracted a lot of furries, that one.